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Yesos Decorativos Personalizados

Plâtres Vieujot, through its website, proposes heritage restoration plasters and outstanding decorativ mortars, for exterior and interior use, and casting,... based on natural and traditional binders, like gypsum, lime or clay.

Plâtres Vieujot masters the cooking of the our own binders and go up to mixing tailor-made ready mix plasters, to proudly defend the "Art Français du Plâtre".

For a personalized product and service, contact us.


Insulation from the outside of a Haussmann style building

A new technique - the Isothentic system –  makes insulation from outside possible, ensuring an efficient thermal protection while preserving the traditional plaster and lime finish.
Enterprise :  Peinteco.

Renovation of the Chapelle Notre-Dame de Lorette

The chapelle and it's vault have been renovated with a trowel finished Enduit de Montmorency and new casts using the original technique.

Applicator : Au Plâtre d'Antan

Masdar City, Abu Dhabi

Our products have been selected for the external and internal renders of Masdar City, the new Clean city in the United Arab Emirates.

Architect : Foster + Partners.

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+33 1 39 89 20 48
